Saturday, October 8, 2016

Chinese Fried Rice

3 1/2 Cup basmati Rice 
4 teaspoons salt 
1 Cup chicken breast half diced 
1 Cup carrot finely diced 
1 Cup carrot finely diced 
1 Cup beans finely sliced 
2 green pepper finely diced 
2 red pepper finely diced 
1/2 cup green spring onion finely chopped 
4 spring onions chopped separately 
2 1/2 tablespoons soya sauce 
1 1/2 teaspoon salt  
1 teaspoon black pepper 
2  1/2 tablespoon vegetable oil 
1 Chicken stock cube melted in 
1/4 cup water 
Wash and soak rice for half an hour. Par boil rice in water to which 4 tab salt has been added. Drain well and if possible spread it out on a clean tea towel to dry and let the grains sparate 
In a large wok add Oil and stir fry the chopped onions the carrots beans separate  and chicken for 3 minutes. Add the soya sauce pepper powder and salt to taste 
Add the soya sauce pepper powder and salt to taste. Add the melted stock cube. Keep in mind that Soya sauce and the stock cube have added salt in it so go by your judgment. Add the cooled rice to the wok and mix with a light hand so as to not break the rice sprinkle with the chopped green spring onions. Place on low heat for 8-9 minutes till rice is done. Scramble a egg and serve in top of the rice Serve steaming hot

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