Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Stroganoff Beef

Garlic Clove  -2
Red Onion     -2
Handfuls of wild mushrooms -2
Springs of fresh flat leaf parsley- 4
Fillet Steak 550 g
Paprika 1- 1/2 teaspoon
Oile Olive
Unsalted butter 1-1/2 knob
Sour Cream -50ml
Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic then finely grate the lemon zest. Clean and tear the mushrooms pic and finely chop the parsley. Place the beef between 2 sheets of clingfilm bash with a rolling pin until 2cm thick then cut into finger width slices. Mix the paprika lemon zest and pinch of sea salt and black pepper together and use to duts the beef in a large frying pan Over a medium low heat fry the onion and garlic in a little oil until softened turn up the heat and add the mushrooms and butter sauteing until the mushrooms are golden brown then tip onto a plate add a little oil to the pan and fry the beef for 3 minuter turning until browned but still pink inside stir inn the mushroom onion mixture. remove from the heat and stir in the cream and parsley delicious serve with breand and gherkins.

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